Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Virtual Book Release Event for Homeschoolers

I'm letting my friends in the homeschool universe know about
a fun event that my friend, Kerry, is helping to host on 
Wednesday, November 16 at HomeschoolLiterature.com  It is  a "Virtual Book Release Party" for two new release novels for youth, "Fractured Fate" and "The Howling Vowels" which both feature homeschoolers as protagonists.  The Virtual Release Party will include a ton of giveaways on both our website and Facebook page as well as book reviews, online games related to the books, print and video interviews with the authors and publisher, videos from the illustrators, a live Twitter chat with publisher Lisa Cottrell-Bentley on "Helping the Reluctant Writer", and a video geography game for kids and teens!  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Time Homeschoolers

To Homeschool or Not To Homeschool.  That is the question!   Deciding to homeschooling is never an easy decision, and one that should never be taken lightly.   I must admit that I didn't know too much about homeschooling when my first two daughters were school age.  Thankfully, they made it through the public school system without too many holes in their blanket of knowledge!  Several years passed before my next child was born, and through those years, I learned a lot about homeschooling.  It was a personal choice based on my views of religion and the facts that I learned about public school systems.  For me, it was a logical choice and I'd never go back and change a thing.  In this blog, I will share with you a few things that are helpful in getting started with the homeschooling journey.  

The most important beginning when considering homeschooling is to check your state laws.  They vary from state to state and can range from extremely friendly to down right difficult.  You can do a search for homeschooling laws and requirements and find many sites that will aid you.  To get you started, I would suggest you check out Homeschool Legal Defense Association to get information on your site.  Depending on the regulations for your state, I would even recommend that you become a member of this association (or similar association) for the support provided by the team of attorneys that work for such organizations.  It can provide that security blanket that keeps you from too much worry.   

Next comes the task of choosing your curriculum as well as your method of teaching.   There's a lot of choices out there and it's quite easy to get confused and overspend.  It is extremely wise to start out by assessing your values and your child's learning method before you start searching for appropriate material.  When I first started out, I thought it was the grandest thing in the world to have a "boxed curriculum".  It included everything I needed from textbooks to workbooks to a perfectly outlined lesson plan.  All I needed to do was implement it.  That worked quite well for the first three years.  And then I got wise!  While most boxed curriculum is all inclusive, it can be very expensive.  As time passed and I had other children, I also learned that just because children come from the same family did not mean they all learned in the same way.  I started tweaking my homeschool to include various methods and curriculum, and therefore became an eclectic homeschooler.   I'm not certain that it is all-inclusive, but there's a great list over at Homeschool.com that can get you started in your search.  For a list of homeschooling methods, check out A to Z Home's Cool.  If you are looking for an online method, I have to suggest Time4Learning, for grades K through 8th.  There's just nothing better since sliced cheese!  It is very interactive and fun for the kids and it provides stimulation that is great for the special needs students as well as the gifted student.  (Actually, I consider both type learners in the same category, but who am I?)  Mind you, I am not being paid to promote their site, but all three of my children use Time4Learning as a supplement to their primary curriculum, and sometimes in place of.  I love it because I can check their progress and print out reports, and also because there are just times that someone else can drive home a theory for that "ah hah" moment in your child's little brain.  Check it out at Time4Learning

Having a support group is important in that it provides you with just that, SUPPORT!  Whether the group meets just for field trips or on a regular basis for specialized classes and/or socialization.  You can check out your state's homeschool support groups and find one that is close to you.  Living in remote areas usually means that you will have to drive a distance to get to a group.  I know this first hand.  However, I have found that it is well worth it!  You also have the option of starting your own homeschool support group.  There are usually homeschoolers in your area and if you just start asking around, you'll find them.  There's usually enough to start a group locally.   Find your state support groups and contact them for more information.  You can also find support groups online, but that can defeat the "socialization" issue.  (More on that later, but if you homeschool, expect to get that question a lot!) 

Once you've covered the above areas, the next thing you need to do is establish a place in your home to be used for your homeschooling area.  An area that is roomy and well lit will work fine.  We love the kitchen table!  You don't have to go adding on an extra room to have what you need!  That would be great, but not necessary for successful homeschooling.  Next, establish a schedule that will work for your family.  My children seem to work best first thing in the mornings.  Keep in mind that if you have different grades, you'll need to adopt a schedule that works well for all.  Remember that you can tweak your schedule as necessary to make the day run smoothly.  If your family is like mine, periodic tweaking is a must!  Probably the most important thing to remember is that you need to be relaxed!  Yes, yes.....I know that may be difficult.  I still find it difficult some days!  However, it goes farther than I can express to have a cool, calm, collected teacher!  If you have a child that stands on his head to learn, go with it!  As long as they are learning, they are learning!  

Take a few deep breaths, do some stretching, and have fun!  You'll find that you, as a parent, are the best teacher a child will ever have, no matter your training or lack thereof!  Above all, seek God for wisdom, strength and encouragement!  He's the GREAT TEACHER!  

Until next time, I'm LEARNING, LOVING, and LIVING for HIS GLORY!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


      Let's just say that I've been inspired!   Recently, I've gone through circumstances that have altered my life forever and  encountered people who have entered my life and  have both touched me deeply, and brought many new perspectives and inspiration to my my daily life.

My Uncle/Dad
      Several months ago, my uncle/dad went through his second surgery for oral cancer.  He has never drank alcohol, never smoked, never chewed tobacco or dipped snuff.  It seems unlikely that such a person would ever be stricken with oral cancer, to say the least.   He's a strong individual, with the determination to move mountains, or whatever else needs to be done.   He's 88 and has lived through rough times where family mattered more than the money one had and hard work was just the way of life.  Instead of complaining that he had cancer, or wondering too much about the "why" aspect of his situation, he embraced the reality of it all and dealt with it.   Though he has two gaping holes in his mouth where large portions of gum and bone have been removed, he eats along with those of us who have a full set of teeth.  He has come to love those little "whirling birds", as he calls them, (mini food processors).   Along with surgery comes the inherent weakness that's extremely difficult to overcome in an elderly person.  No matter the hurdles, my uncle/dad has demonstrated perseverance in a way many find impossible.  

My Aunt/Mom and my friend, Renee
      Along with my dad's illness, he and I have continually cared for my aunt/momma who has Alzheimer's and has been bed-ridden for the majority of the last five years.  Of course, Alzheimer's is a struggle on its own merit, but when you add a broken hip to a bad mental capacity, it's not a pretty sight.  My aunt/momma, in her mind, could never walk again, so she didn't.  In a way, and as bad as it sounds, it may have been a blessing.  At least she can't escape when no one is looking!  Even though I often get extremely exhausted with the care that is required, both for my mom and dad, and the care of their household, in addition to my own, I wouldn't trade if for the world!  Firstly, I am commanded by my heavenly Father to care for my elderly parents, and second, it's just the right thing to do.  Through it all, I am blessed to have had my aunt and uncle in my life to care for me when I was younger and instill in me, values that I may not have otherwise seen. 

My sweet, first grandchild, Chloe Raeanna
     Then along comes my first grandbaby!  Chloe Raeanna Brown, born on July 8th of this year, has been a total delight, despite the flood of emotions that haunted me for weeks after I first found out that my daughter was pregnant.  Haley, (my second eldest) announced that she was not engaged any longer and shortly after, announced that she was pregnant.  I had always told my oldest daughters that I had raised my babies and I was not willing to help raise theirs.  First of all, that's just pure and simply, WRONG!  I should have never said that, but I did.  So now, I'm eating my words.  Haley is still in college and trying very hard to accomplish an education, and working part time to help support herself and her baby.  There's just no way she can possibly afford to live on her own at this point, nor should she.  For the time being, she is living with me for the most part, with a lot of support from her dad also.  It's just the right thing to do!   I wouldn't trade time with precious Chloe for anything!  Children truly are a gift from God and I am going to give it my best shot to be a positive influence and assist her mom in teaching her the love of Christ. 

My daughter, Haley and her daughter, Chloe with her first Halloween jack-o-lantern

     On October 14th of this year, my oldest daughter, Katie, was wed to Jason Charles Clark.  It was truly a beautiful event!  Katie did most of the planning on her own, which was a true blessing considering how much was on my plate already.   She also paid for much of it on her own, as she has been on her own, for quite some time now.  With that being said, weddings are an expensive and the unexpected pops up for weeks just prior to the wedding.  Her dad and I helped with the expenses to some degree and a beautiful wedding resulted!  I could not imagine a sweeter and more precious ceremony!   Even though I was freed from doing an excessive amount of planning, the stress of a child's wedding still loomed over me.  It's just one of those things that cannot be escaped!

My daughter, Katie
Ben, Katie, and my sweet Sethie
My sweet cousin, Debbie
     My sweet Sethie, as I affectionately call him, started sensory therapy three days after Katie's wedding.  It required a twelve day stay in the Birmingham hour, which is about two hours from home.  Thankfully, I was rescued from staying at a hotel by my sweet cousin, Debbie.   She and her son, Scott and husband, Charles, opened their home and hearts to Seth and me.  What a delight, and a great avenue of stress relief for me to be able to have her shoulder to cry on, (well, not really) and heart to laugh with.  We caught up on all the happenings of each of our families, discussed the hard times, rejoiced and laughed over the good times, and generally made more memories to last a lifetime!  It really made me think hard about how we get so caught up in day to day living that we often isolate family and friends.  What a shame!  I decided to make it a point to reach out to family like I never have before, and strive to be a better friend to all those around me. The companionship of  Debbie, Charles and Scott certainly made our time away from home a little more bearable.  Actually, it was just "a home away from home".  Seth went through his therapy without any difficulties and actually loved it.  We are now doing home light therapy and at the beginning of December, he will be reassessed to find out what improvement was made and to decide upon the treatment from there.   Seth is ten and still reading on a first grade level due to his eye issues and inability to focus like the "normal" person.  We have high hopes that this therapy will work in miraculous ways to help Seth.  As I say that, I also trust that God Almighty is responsible for Seth's being and has an ultimate plan for his life.  God has plans to prosper him and He can heal without the need for "therapy" as we know it on this earth.  However, God guided us in this direction for a reason, and for that, I am thankful and faithful to obey

     Two days after our return from the Birmingham area, my sweet California friends, Renee and Leslie visited for three days.  I am so delighted to have them in my life and I have learned a "bushel and a peck" from them!  They have helped me to see beyond many of the "unimportant" aspects of life and into the face of those things that matter most.....LOVE, FAMILY, FRIENDSHIP, KINDNESS, RESPECT.   I routinely teach those values to my children, but I don't see too many of those qualities in others, on a routine basis, that is!  I suppose that sounds a little arrogant on my part, which is really not my intentions.  There's just so many people in the world that think on a "me" basis and don't look out for the well being of others.  And , after all, I think we are on this earth to make a difference in the lives of others while remaining invisible and giving God all the glory.  After having said that, I was living in my "me" world prior to Renee and Leslie arriving.  I was feeling that they would judge me for what I had, where and how I lived, and how I was raising my children. They love me, (and my family) for who we are, not what we have or how we live.  How could I get so consumed by what someone values as important?  It's that "me' thing about the human race, I suppose.  All in all, I have learned some valuable lessons from my friends.  Thanks to them, I was inspired to start my own blog!   I felt that I needed to establish a foundation in which to build, so I chose to start with a window into my life.  It is my heartfelt desire that all who read my blogs will be left with a smile on their faces and an uplifted heart! 

My California friends, Renee and Leslie, along with my four youngest, Seth, Ben, Madi, and Binx
      Family reunions!  There's just nothing any better than a get-together with extended family!  On Saturday, November 5th, the second annual Robbins Family Reunion was held at my mom and dad's, (as you've noticed, I affectionately call my aunt and uncle, mom and dad).  Being that mom is not mobile, I made the decision to have the reunions at their home, at least while she is living, so that she can visit with family.  There were about seventy or so in attendance, and the family grows more each year!  There was a spread of food like you can't imagine!  This year, we went with soups, stews, and chili as our main course and added plenty of good 'ole southern cornbread, crackers, and more desserts than you could shake a stick at!  Totally some of the best food that ever hit anyone's taste buds!  I won't mention that most of the foods probably wasn't the healthiest in the world!  Shhh!  While the event added a certain aspect of stress in my life with all the "getting ready" details, it also added the closeness of family.  I will certainly be planning it on an annual basis as long as I can.  

The 2011 Robbins Family SPREAD!  
     A few days to rest after the reunion and off to California for ten days.  It would be considered "work" for most, but to me, it is a refreshing break.  I have the opportunity to utilize my skills as an RN AND  let God use me for His glory to witness to others about His saving grace. The only stress involved was struggling to remember all the passwords for charting and accessing the drug cart.  All that worry was in vain because I actually found that it was like riding a bicycle.  I suppose that I should add that it may become a little stressful if the hospital keeps calling me off due to low census.  REALLY, I am thankful that people are not sick, but by the same token, I did fly 2000 miles to actually work!   So, we'll see!  
Seth, looking for "critters" in a small area for science project

Ben, doing a lesson outside
Madi, working hard on a science project
     In the midst of all the other "stuff" going on in my life, I have continued to home school my three younger children, ages 12, 10, and 9.  The intentions for my blog will primarily focus on home schooling in the hopes that it will encourage those thinking about home schooling as an options for their own children, or as encouragement in general.  Raising children is a stressful task!  I would like to think that it wasn't stressful, but to some extent, it is.  There's an endless stream of options available for home schooling and a lot of planning goes into the process, or at least it should.  This is not to say that you can't get a "curriculum in a box" where everything is outlined in detail.  Even still, there's a certain amount of planning that goes into any aspect of home schooling no matter what type of curriculum is used, or what method.  A lot more on homeschooling in the blogs to come!  

     For now, I'll close with a great big sigh!  A lot of the pressures of the last few months are now behind me and I am looking forward to the days ahead!  I hope you'll follow along, enjoy the pictures, and gain some encouragement and pleasure along the way!  

Living, Loving, Learning for His Glory!


Written in Aptos, CA after being called off for low census!